Mortgage Coach’s Dave Savage is a natural connector and an industry thought leader. Naturally, I was thrilled to be invited on his show. If you’re a mortgage lender, this discussion is filled with ideas to grow your mortgage business one relationship at a time. (Note: Jump to the bottom for a special offer.)
The Connector’s Way: A Conversation Between Dave Savage and Patrick Galvin
Dave and I covered a lot of ground in our conversation. If you’re ready to grow your mortgage business one relationship at a time, watch the full interview (video below) to learn:
- The difference between networking, relationship building and connecting
- Why mortgage loan officers need to be able to DWACD (“do what Amazon can’t do”)
- How the timeless principles in Patrick Galvin’s book, The Connector’s Way, are more relevant than ever during a time of disruption in the mortgage industry
- What it means to be of service to clients and referral partners and how having a Connector’s Mindset will help you grow as a loan officer
- How to leverage technology (like Mortgage Coach) to enhance—rather than replace—real world, one-on-one relationships
- The small, simple relationship building tactics that will help you grow your mortgage business one relationship at a time
- Why it pays to become known as a connector of your connections
- How to make the most of groups and organizations (and the difference between “joining” and “serving”)
- Ways to balance social media so that it works for you and not vice-versa
How Mortgage Loan Officers Benefit from The Connector’s Way
Mortgage loan officers sharing The Connector’s Way with their teams and referral partners can get a 20% discount on 10+ more copies when they order directly from and use discount code MC20 at checkout. Shipping via media mail is FREE in the U.S. and I will personally sign every copy.
Planning an event? I regularly travel across the country to share the principles of The Connectors Way with mortgage loan officers and their referral partners. Visit or contact me for details.
Lastly, The Connector’s Way System is a self-paced online learning curriculum for high performers who want to take their skills—and their incomes—to the next level. If you’re ready to grow your mortgage business one relationship at time and are looking for a systematic approach to improving loyalty, referrals and sales through better relationship building, visit www.TheConnectorsWay.
Thank you to Dave Savage for his insightful questions and for having me on his show!