Ask any successful person how he or she got where they are and they’ll probably admit that they couldn’t have done it own their own. It’s also likely that they weren’t afraid to ask for help along the way.

In the same way that you can’t serve others if you don’t know what they need and want, your connections need to know how they can best help you succeed. So, don’t be shy. Make success a team effort. Here are a few ways to get comfortable about asking your connections for what you really need.

Ask for What You Need

Be confident.

Many people have a hard time asking for assistance. They may find it difficult to disassociate who they are from what they do, thinking (falsely) that a request for help makes them appear vulnerable. They may be afraid of alienating their connections. But we all need help sometimes and there are many people who are confident in our abilities and are happy to provide their support when asked.

Be specific.

As close as you are to your connections, they aren’t mind readers. They may have no idea that you are looking to grow your business, find a new career, expand your network, or more. This is not the time to drop hints or to speak in generalities out of fear of being turned down. Instead, articulate exactly what you need to achieve your goals and when you need it.

Be sincere.

Be upfront about what you hope to achieve and the steps you’ll take to follow through. Then work hard to make thing happen. It’s important to show people who offer you their time and support that they are helping you achieve your objectives and to provide them with regular updates on your progress.

Clarity + Confidence = Success

When you are clear about what you want and need, and have the confidence to ask for it, you create a direct path to success.

What do you need right now to succeed? How will you let people know?